Saturday, May 1, 2010


我们就要好好地珍惜现在的机会 ^.^

Best friend wan pintar sekolah ald :C

My Best friend weng c wan 2 pintar sekolah ald...wuwuwu~~~but yesterday when she told me she wan 2 pintar sekolah I tot her jz kidding at me...Cuz b4 she oso told me she wan 2 pintar sekolah after tat she dont pintar sekolah...
N yesterday oso I dunno she reali wan 2 pintar sekolah...I tot her kidding at me then I oso kidding at her 2...but I dunno now she 4give me a not???but I tel her all the true, but I dunno she will 4give me a not???I hope tat she will... But I oso very happy I with her best friend in 1 year n 5 month... she will pintar sekolah at JUNE I hope when she pintar ald hope she wont 4get all of her friend...n hope she at the new school will happy n know many friend...weng c hope u happy day when u pintar ald n hv a nice day XD...